Behavioral health diversion is built on a guiding hypothesis: Diverting non-violent individuals with serious mental illness away from the criminal justice system and into community-based treatment and support services will transform lives, reduce recidivism, generate cost savings, and ease the burden on jails, courts, and state hospitals. This hypothesis has been proven in well-resourced urban centers like Miami. The Wyoming Judicial Branch is now testing whether it holds true in a rural, under-resourced jurisdiction like Wyoming.
To test this hypothesis, the Wyoming Judicial Branch launched the state’s first diversion pilot in Campbell County on January 1, 2024. The program operates as follows: eligible individuals (those who commit non-violent misdemeanors, have a diagnosis of serious mental illness, are assessed as moderate to very high criminogenic risk, and do not pose a public safety threat) are offered the option of diversion. Participants who choose diversion and successfully complete an individualized treatment plan have their charges dismissed. Those who decline or fail to complete the program return to the traditional criminal justice process.
With funding from the State Justice Institute, the Wyoming Judicial Branch partnered with the National Center for State Courts to provide training and technical assistance for the Campbell County pilot and up to three additional pilots across the state.
Early results are promising. The pilot program’s first graduate spent 623 days in jail before entering diversion and zero days in jail after entering the program. While it is too early for definitive conclusions, these results suggest behavioral health diversion works in rural settings.
June 1, 2022
Each county in Mississippi contains its own Justice Court where community members bring legal actions to settle local, small-dollar disputes. Court regulations and policies vary in each county, and they can be incredibly confusing for Mississippians to navigate, almost all of which are pro se litigants. The COVID-19 pandemic created more variation as judges and …
May 2, 2022
Participating in the judicial system can be traumatic and stressful. Mediation is a tool used for resolving many judicial matters, thus mediators often encounter disputants experiencing the worst time of their lives. With this in mind, Texas Dispute Resolution System™ (TDRS) began a process to enhance their mediators’ skills and knowledge when engaging disputants during …
April 1, 2022
The State Justice Institute awarded a key grant to the District of Columbia Courts’ Office of Court Interpreting Services to launch the Courts’ Interpreter Registry and the first-ever Amharic Court Interpreter Certification Examination. These initiatives demonstrate the Courts’ commitment to increase access for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals to the judicial …
March 1, 2022
In November 2020, the Family Center of the Conciliation Court (FCCC) within the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, was awarded a Pandemic Response and Recovery grant from the State Justice Institute (SJI) to implement the Court’s vision of converting what was an employee-led, in-person parent education course to an on-demand, online, and self-paced e-Learning …
February 4, 2022
SJI awarded grant funding to the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia (“Court”) to produce a jury orientation video for its unified court system. The video replaced a 30-year-old video featuring actor Raymond Burr. The Court drafted, produced, and disseminated a timeless video to be used during jury orientation to explain the basics of …
January 3, 2022
We have long known that family matters challenge a court system that assumes people will be represented by attorneys and that proceedings should be adversarial. The Cady Initiative for Family Justice Reform (formerly “Family Justice Initiative”) exists to guide courts towards improved outcomes for families, while managing costs and controlling delays. First funded by the …