Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


What is the Opioid Response Network?

The Opioid Response Network is a group of diverse individuals and 40 national organizations working collaboratively and led by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry to address the opioid crisis and stimulant use across the country. The Opioid Response Network provides free training and education in evidence-based practices in the prevention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorders. Visit to submit a request to enhance your own efforts.

The Opioid Response Network works with states, health professionals, communities, organizations, healthcare centers, individuals, and justice and corrections settings. To support the development and delivery of resources and educational opportunities for those working in across justice and corrections and for the individuals they serve, the Opioid Response Network works in collaboration with several organizations forming a Justice and Corrections Stakeholder Committee.

Opioid Response Network Justice and Corrections Collaborators

These organizations include the:
• Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
• American Probation and Parole Association
• Major County Sheriffs of America
• National Center for State Courts
• National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
• National Sheriff’s Association
• State Justice Institute
• The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative

The Opioid Response Network:

  •  Trained 45 state champion judges tapped by their Chief Justices from 48 states in substance use disorder prevention, treatment and recovery
  •  Provided support for a judge in rural Tennessee to develop an implementation plan to start providing medications for treating opioid use disorder in a community jail
  • Trained over 600 healthcare physicians in California corrections facilities in motivational interviewing
  • Facilitated a conference in Rhode Island for 230 people representing 34 states to learn about a program that reduced post incarceration drug overdose deaths by more than 60% Opioid Response Network Justice and Corrections Collaborators

Now, how can we help you? Submit a request at to start the conversation.