As cannabis legalization and regulation evolve, the United States is at a tipping point. Congress is now exploring the decriminalization and rescheduling of cannabis. These continued changes in laws are impacting our courts and society and are creating a dynamic and sometimes confusing landscape for a variety of disciplines including judges, law enforcement, drug court professionals, the drug and alcohol testing industry, and employers’ human resource offices.
As a result of this, the American Judges Association, partnered with The National Judicial College, Society for Human Resource Management, Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association, California Western School of Law, Colorado Highway Safety Office, and New England Association of Recovery Court Professionals are bringing forward a first-of-its kind interdisciplinary approach to cannabis issues facing all of these disciplines, the 2022 National Interdisciplinary Cannabis Symposium. This Symposium, funded by State Justice Institute, will bring together these impacted disciplinary groups and allow for substantial interaction, discussion, and knowledge-sharing on the topic of cannabis.
The goals of the symposium are: 1) identify current issues related to the legalization of cannabis and its impact on judges, law enforcement, academia, drug court professionals, the drug and alcohol testing
industry, and human resources; 2) identify and analyze how cannabis-related issues are addressed by each discipline; 3) develop an educated approach and plan to address the issues facing each discipline with a multidisciplinary perspective. The event will be held May 20-22, 2022 in San Diego, CA and also online. Registration information coming soon.