Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


SJI Awards FY 2013 1st Quarter Grants

The Board met on December 10, 2012 to make decisions on quarterly grant applications and awarded a total of 15 grants.

Four (4) Project Grants were awarded, including: the Maryland Judiciary to determine the cost/benefits of various forms of ADR in the state; the Supreme Court of West Virginia to conduct a workload assessment.; the National Association for Court Management (NACM) to deliver educational content addressing all six SJI Priority Investment Areas. The 19th Judicial District of York County, Pennsylvania also received support to establish a Self-Represented Litigation Center.

Six (6) Technical Assistance (TA) Grants were approved, including: a resource center for the Delaware Justice of the Peace Court; development of core competencies for courts by the Texas Office of Court Administration; establishment of a Louisiana court interpreter program; an integrated justice information strategic plan in Calaveras county, California; and, strategic plans in the 21st Judicial Circuit of Missouri and the Mohave County Superior Court in Arizona.

Six (6) Curriculum Adaptation & Training (CAT) Grants were approved, including: support for the Essential Skills for Appellate Judges program provided by the National Judicial College (NJC); customization of a new judge self-study online curriculum in Utah; statewide training for teams of judges and court administrators in Illinois; essential skills training to San Mateo Superior Court in California; and, delivery of the Institute for Court Management Certified Court Manager (CCM) curricula to Orange County Superior Court in California, and the Virginia Supreme Court.

The next deadline for grant applications is February 1, 2013 (2nd quarter).