Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


New Resource! National Youth Defense System Standards

The Gault Center has just released their newest resource, The National Youth Defense System Standards. The System Standards provide a metric to assess a state’s compliance with constitutional mandates that safeguard the rights of young people in the juvenile legal system, with a particular focus on the right to counsel. The System Standards call on states to invest in well-resourced youth defense delivery systems to comply with their constitutional obligations to provide every single youth facing liberty deprivations with a qualified and zealous attorney. For more information about state responsibilities, please take a look at Cause of Action: Fulfilling the Promises of Gault.  

Establishing robust youth defense systems ensures that youth defenders have the right resources to fulfill the constitutional promise of counsel and in so doing, fight for a transformed system under a collective vision of freeing all youth from systemic injustices.