Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse Course Offers New Tribal Practice Section

The National Judicial Education Program (NJEP), a project of Legal Momentum, has been working to update training provided through its popular course, Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases (SJI-11-E-154). The course contains 13 modules, case studies, and an array of valuable insights for judicial and legal audiences on this important issue. The most recent addition to the course is a Tribal Practice section that contains information specific to tribal courts, as provided by the American Indian Law Institute and the University of New Mexico/Southwest Indian Legal Clinic. The online course can be accessed free of charge. While SJI did not fund the tribal component of this grant (due to statutory prohibitions), it demonstrates how this course continues to be relevant to a broad judicial audience.