Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


Ensuring Language Access Outside the Courtroom: Training for Judicial Employees

Supported by SJI, the Language Access Basic Training (LABT) Suite is a project developed by the New Mexico Center for Language Access along with the National Center for State Courts, the Council of Language Access Coordinators (CLAC), and the Language Access Advisory Committee (LAAC).

The LABT Suite provides language access training and qualification for state courts in order to improve the quality of language access services outside the courtroom for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals. The LABT Suite is a downloadable interactive training module for bilingual court employees who interact with people outside of the courtroom. The purpose of the training is to ensure that all court employees have a basic understanding of their ethical and legal obligations, as well as current best practices in serving LEP and non-English speaking individuals. SJI encourages all state courts to take advantage of this excellent training opportunity.