Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


SJI Awards FY 2018 Third Quarter Grants

The SJI Board of Directors met on June 11, 2018, at the Minnesota Judicial Center to make decisions on quarterly grant applications and awarded a total of 10 new grants.

A Project Grant was awarded to the Washington Administrative Office of the Courts for a statewide gender bias assessment.  The project will identify and describe gender bias with a particular focus on how race, poverty, and other intersectional identities impact women when they access the courts, participate in proceedings, or work in the court environment, and the consequences they experience once they leave the courthouse.  The National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) has expressed interest in this project, and will seek to incorporate the outcomes of the assessment into their meeting programming.  In addition, both the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) have expressed renewed interest in gender bias in the courts, as demonstrated by a recent resolution encouraging state judicial branch education on workplace harassment, procedures for addressing harassment, and directing the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to create a repository of resources on workplace harassment, including model policies and procedures.

Seven (7) Technical Assistance (TA) Grants were awarded: the 17th Judicial Circuit of Illinois for an efficiency and process assessment for; the NCSC for a municipal court interactive learning and website revision project; the Texas Municipal Court Education Center to build trust and confidence through model court websites and signage; the Texas Office of Court Administration for a family court outcomes assessment; the Colorado Administrative Office of the Courts for a plain language forms project; the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts for a strategic planning initiative; and the Barry County, Michigan, Family Court Division for a strategic planning project.

Two (2) Curriculum Adaptation and Training (CAT) Grants were awarded: the NAWJ for a sexual harassment education program; and the Institute for Continuing Judicial Education of Georgia for a judicial faculty development workshop.

The next deadline for grant applications is August 1, 2018 (FY 2018, 4th quarter).